Diploma in Nail Technology

RQF  Level 3
UK Accreditation: 603/4040/X
Product Code: iBT3D10

ITEC Qual ID: 2142

Centres approved to run this qualification

Centre Name Telephone Website Location Country
P3 Nail & Beauty Academy +27 72 157 4481 http://www.p3academy.co.za
Beauty Career International +61 (0)7 31952324 http://beautycareer.education/ Brisbane, QLD, 4076 Australia
International Academy of Esthetics 780 449 1225 www.iaesthetics.com Alberta, T8A 6A2 Canada
JOIE Beaute (Shanghai) Co. Ltd 862151212320 www.joie-beaute.com Jingan District, Shanghai, 200072 China
Zhuhai Menglianna Vocational Training School +86 21 5121 2320 www.joie-beaute.com Zhuhai, China
S&N J.Makeup Beauty Hairdressing Training Centre www.juventa.com.tr Mersin, MERSIN 10 TURKEY Cyprus
Tina Kay Hair & Beauty Training Centre 00354 22 346308 www.tinakay.com Nicosia, Nicosia, 2020 Cyprus
Beauty Expert International Academy 852 25101306 http://www.beautyexpertcollege.com Kowloon, Hong Kong
Caritas Cosmetic Career Centre +852 2239 6382 http://www.cice.edu.hk/en/centre_location.html Kowloon, Hong Kong
CMM Monita Academy +852 27398833 www.monitaacademy.com/ Tsim Sha Tsui, , Kowloon, , Hong Kong
CWM Aesthetics Academy Limited www.cwmhk.com Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Elite Makeup 852-2369 9929 http://www.elitemakeup.hk/ Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Farida Academy +852 2311 1862 www.facebook.com/faridaacademy/ Kowloon,, Hong Kong
Fine Arts International Semi Permanent Makeup Academy +852 5548 5878 finearts-academy.com Kowloon, Hong Kong
Frederique Academy of Phplus Ltd (852) 3156 1736 www.frederiqueacademy.com.hk North Point, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Grand Aesthetic Academy +852 2111 0083 www.hkgaa.com 99977 Hong Kong
Grandway International Education 852 3709 6113 www.grandwaycourse.com Kowloon, Hong Kong
HKBHA Academy +852 2730 2200 http://www.hkbha.hk/ Kowloon, Hong Kong
Institute of International Certified Talent 852-68999937 www.iict.hk / www.iict.asia Kowloon, Hong Kong
Jenny Beauty College +852 3428 8280 http://www.jennybeauty.com.hk/ Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Luster Beauty International Education and Training Academy +852-6031 3017 LBACADEMY.COM.HK/ Sham Shui Po, KL,, Hong Kong
Mandy Chu International Beauty College 852 2724 0328 www.mandychu.com Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
T-Nail Academy +852 2735 9133 http://www.nailcollege.com.hk/ Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vocational Training Council - Youth College (Tin Shui Wai) www.yc.edu.uk New Territories,, Hong Kong
Vocational Training Council - Youth College (Yeo Chei Man) www.yc.edu.uk New Territories,, Hong Kong
VOGUE it is +852 2970 2886 http://www.vogueitis.com/ North Point, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Brill Cosmetix Academy and Examination Centre +362 039 86 406 www.brillcosmetix.hu/tanfolyam 4024 Hungary
BrillBird Education and Examination Centre +363 046 22276 www.brillbird.hu Budapest, 1066 Hungary
Clips Academy +36209888812 www.clipsakademia.eu BUDAPEST/PEST MEGYE, 1065 Hungary
Crystal Nails Elite Nail Academy and Examination Centre . Budapest, 1085 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Budapest Dohany utca 1074 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Cegléd 2700 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Debrecen 4026 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Esztergom 2500 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Gyõr 9022 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Kecskemét 6000 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Keszthely 8360 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Miskolc 3530 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Nagykanizsa 8800 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Nyíregyhaza 4400 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Paks 7030 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Sárospatak 3950 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Siklós Hungary, 7800 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Székesfehérvár 8000 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Szentes 6600 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Szolnok 5000 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Szolnok Kápolna utca 5000 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Szombathely 9700 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Tolna 1065 Hungary
Perfect Beauty Academy Veszprém 8200 Hungary
X-Beauty Education Academy +36704246245 xbeautypro.hu Budapest, 1063, Hungary
X-Beauty Polska +36704246245 xbeautypro.hu Budapest, 1063, Hungary
Beautorium Training Academy 051301874 www.beautoriumtrainingacademy.ie Waterford, WATERFORD, X91EVN3 Ireland
Blackrock Further Education Institute BFEI +353 1 288 9717 www.bfei.ie Dublin, Ireland
Blow Academy Institute of Hair & Beauty 0862420000 www.blowacademy.ie 99 Roebuck Castle, Dublin, D04 C6K5 Ireland
Bray Institute of Further Education 00353 (1) 2829668 http://www.bife.ie/p/home Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
Bronwyn Conroy Beauty School 00353 1 2107848 www.bronwynconroy.com Co. Dublin, D14 XR80 Ireland
Carella Beauty Training www.carellabeautytraining.ie Co. Meath,, Ireland
Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training 00353 59 9134230 www.carlowinstitute.ie Carlow, R93X0FX Ireland
Cavan Institute - 1009 +353 49 4332633 http://www.cavaninstitute.ie/ Cavan, Co. Cavan, Ireland
Cork College of FET – Morrisons Island Campus – Night school 00353214222100 www.nightcollege.morrisonsislandcampus.ie Cork, Ireland
Cork College of FET Morrison’s Island Campus 021 4222100 morrisonsislandcampus.ie Cork City Centre, T12 H685 Ireland
Cork College of FET Morrison’s Island Campus- Beauty Therapy Day School 021 4222100 morrisonsislandcampus.ie Cork City Centre, T12 H685 Ireland
Cork College of Further Education and Training, Douglas Street Campus Cork, T12 DW32 Ireland
Cork Training Centre +353 (0) 21 485 6200 www.corktrainingcentre.ie Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland
CS Beauty Training - Shannon 00353 91 396410 csbeautytraining.com Oranmore, Galway, Ireland
DDLETB Training Centre Tallaght +353 01 4275400 www.dublintrainingcentres.com Tallaght, Dublin 12 Ireland
Donegal ETB, Training Centre, Letterkenny 00353 749120500 http://www.donegaletb.ie/ Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland
Drogheda Institute of Further Education +353 41 9837105 www.dife.ie Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland
FET LMETB (KELLS) www.lmetb.ie Kells, Co.Meath, A82 AO70 Ireland
FET LMETB Dunboyne College 018026577 www.dunboynecollege.ie/ Dunboyne, Meath, A86 FH01 Ireland
Gainfort Academy 00 353 539123681 http://www.gainfort.com/ Wexford, Ireland
Gainfort Academy (Dundalk) 00 353 539123681 www.gainfort.com/ Wexford, Ireland
Gainfort Academy (Waterford) 00353 53 91 23681 www.gainfort.com Waterford, Co Waterford, Ireland
Galligan Beauty Group +353 1 6703933 http://www.galligangroup.com/ Dublin, DUBLIN 2 Ireland
Gorey Institute of Beauty +353 53 943 0338 http://www.goreyinstituteofbeauty.com/ Gorey, Wexford, Ireland
Grange Community College +353 1 8471422 http://www.grangecc.ie/ Dublin, Dublin, D13 Ireland
Hartley People Ltd. +353 51 878813 http://www.hartleypeople.com/ Waterford, X91 DVY8 Ireland
Kerry College of Beauty 00 353 66 7149671 www.kerrycollege.ie Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 Y991 Ireland
Kilkenny School of Beauty Therapy and Sports Therapy +353 56 77 61891 www.kilkennycbt.com Kilkenny, R95 TC63 Ireland
Mallow College of Further Education (Charleville Campus) 022 43309 mallowcollege.ie County Cork, P56 E372 Ireland
Marino College of FE +353 1 8332100 http://www.marinocollege.ie/ Dublin 1, Ireland
Mullingar Community College Mullingarcc.ie Co Westmeath, N91 TC59 Ireland
O'Fiaich College of Further Education +353 429391398 http://www.ofiaich.ie/ Dundalk, Co.Louth, A91WK75 Ireland
Olivia Keenan Sch Aesthetics and Electrolysis +353 47 83320 www.oliviakeenan.com Monaghan, Ireland
Professional Beauty 0877739961 www.professionalbeautyco.com Co. Waterford , X35 H722 Ireland
Saffron College of Hair and Beauty 353 74 9123006 saffroncollegeofhairandbeauty.com Letterkenny,, Co. Donegal, F92 V098 Ireland
Sallynoggin College of F.E. +353 1 2852997 www.scfe.ie Dublin, Co Dublin, Ireland
Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest 0868431114/353 61 293857 tus.ie Limerick, Ireland
The Academy by Sharon Leavy +353 57 866 2600 www.sharonleavy.ie Offaly, R35F9K8 Ireland
The Riverside Academy of Hair and Beauty +353 49 432 3866 www.theriversideacademy.ie H12 H7X8 Ireland
The Sanctuary Beauty Academy 00 353 66 7119755 http://www.sanctuarybeautyacademy.ie/ Tralee, Co Kerry, Ireland
Alison Caroline Institute Int. College +254 20 4043360 www.acicollege.com Muthaiga,, Nairobi, Kenya
By Winnie Training Institute www.bywinnietraininginstitute.com Nairobi, 00505 Kenya
Momo Academy +607 351 4315 www.momoacademy.com Taman Desa Tebrau, Johor Bahru, Johor, 81100 Malaysia
Sense Perfect International College 6016-4928 733 / 6017-928 4733 https://spic.edu.my PENANG, 10500 Malaysia
Super Star Academy 0163328770 Baru Medan Ipoh,, Ipoh Perak, 31400, Malaysia
Top to Toe Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology Johor +607 2233191 http://www.ebeautyasia.com/ Johor Bahru, 80100 Malaysia
Nefertiti Beauty Academy +356 79898887 http://www.nefertiti.com.mt/ Tal- Virtu', Rabat, RBT2610 Malta
Beauty Therapy Institute Windhoek +264817495598 www.beautytherapyinstitute.com 10020 Namibia
Shadonai Beauty College 00264 61 301780 www.shadonai.com Namibia, Namibia
National School of Aesthetics (NaSA) +64 3 366 5037 www.nasa.co.nz Addington, Christchurch, 8024 New Zealand
Southern Institute of Technology - Christchurch Campus +64 800 867 8839 www.sit.ac.nz Christchurch, 8042 New Zealand
Southern Institute of Technology - Invercargill +64 800 403 337 www.sit.ac.nz Invercargill, 9810 New Zealand
Southern Institute of Technology - Queenstown 0800 784 748 www.sit.ac.nz Queenstown, 9300 New Zealand
Universal College of Learning LTD (UCOL) Masterton +64 800 468 265 http://www.ucol.ac.nz/ Masterton, 5840 New Zealand
Younique Aesthetics Academy 02830 267606 www.youniqueaestheticsacademy.co.uk Newry , BT35 6BH Northern Ireland
International Caribbean Cosmetology Academy +44 203 488 9718 www.iccacosmetologyacademy.com Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia
Aesthetics International Academy Pte Ltd +65 63388339 http://www.beautyacademy.com.sg/ Singapore, 179803 Singapore
Beauty Forever Learning Hub PTE LTD +65 6336 0901 www.bflh.edu.sg 188425 Singapore
Mirror D' International College Pte Ltd 00 65 6220 8538 http://mdisingapore.com/ Singapore , 050005 Singapore
Perfect International Beauty & Cosmetology Academy +65 62237073 www.pibca.com Singapore, 059108 Singapore
Sicta Beauty School Pte Ltd (65) 65333588 www.sictabeautyschool.com.sg 189652 Singapore
SPATEC Academy Pte Ltd +65 63430040 www.spatec.edu.sg 419973 Singapore
TCM and Healthcare College Pte Ltd +65 63967721 www.tcmhc.edu.sg 389626 Singapore
Toni International College of Aesthetics & Physiology Pte. Ltd 00 65 62961037 http://www.toniinternational.com/ 188544 Singapore
Top to Toe College of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology Pte Ltd +65 62357161 www.ebeautyasia.com 228213 Singapore
Academic Institute of Excellence (AIE) +27 11 262 4555 www.aie.ac 2034 South Africa
Academic Institute of Excellence (AIE) - Cape Town +27 21 202 7890 www.aie.ac Cape Town, 8001 South Africa
Academic Institute of Excellence (AIE) - Midrand +27 11 262 4555 www.aie.ac Johannesburg, 1686 South Africa
Beautiko College (PTY) LTD +27 12 362 6571 http://www.beautiko.co.za/ Pretoria, 0081 South Africa
Beauty Academy International 0027 43 727 1443 http://www.beautyacademyint.co.za/ East London, 5241 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Bloemfontein 0027 514360711 www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za Bloemfontein, 9301 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute - Benoni 0118941511 www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za Benoni, Gauteng, 1501 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute @ Sorbet Rivonia 0027 769162799 http://www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za/ Rivonia, 2128 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Brackenfell 0662946694 www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za Brackenfell, 7560 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Brooklyn 078 562 8935 www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za Pretoria, 0181 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Cape Town +27 21 404 0556 www.beautytherapyinstute.co.za Claremont, Cape Town, 7708 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Durban www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za Durban, 4083 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Helderberg 0027 21 8022909 http://www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za/ Strand, 7130 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Randburg +27 110242054 http://www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za/ Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2194 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Sandton +27 60 887 6113 http://www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za/ Johannesburg, 2191 South Africa
Beauty Therapy Institute Worcester 0828627159 www.beautytherapyinstitute.co.za Worcester, 6850 South Africa
Bellissima Beauty Academy www.bellissimabeauty.academy Cape Town, 7441 South Africa
BLUSH ACADEMY 0117637667 www.blushacademy.co.za Roodepoort, 1709 South Africa
Bodyframe International Beauty School 0633660466 bodyframe.co.za Randburg, 2194 South Africa
Camelot International Cape Town Branch +27 2191 49963 http://www.camelotspagroup.co.za/ Cape Town, 7538 South Africa
Camelot International Health & Skincare - Houghton +27 11 8803850 http://www.camelotspagroup.co.za/ Houghton, Johannesburg, 2121 South Africa
Cape Nail & Beauty Academy +2721 465 4542 http://www.cnba.co.za/ Cape Town, Cape Town, 7925 South Africa
CAPE TOWN HAIR & BEAUTY ACADEMY (PTY) LTD 0718665363 http://hairandbeautyacademy.capetown Claremont, 7700 South Africa
CAPE TOWN HEALTH & SKINCARE ACADEMY +27(0)713188454 http://www.cthsacademy.co.za/ Cape Town, South Africa
Carla Brown Make-up and Beauty 021 671 5611 www.carlabrownmakeupandbeauty.co.za Cape Town, 7708 South Africa
College of Cape Town - Wynberg Campus +27 21 7975540 http://www.cct.edu.za/ Cape Town, 7824 South Africa
CRL Beauty School Aliwal North, 9750 South Africa
Dare Nail & Beauty (Pty) Ltd t/a Dare2Ware Training Academy 021 555 1742 www.dare2ware.co.za Marconi Beam, Cape Town, 7441 South Africa
DMR Institute of Beauty School - Cape Town www.dmrbeauty.co.za Tygervalley, Cape Town , 7530 South Africa
DMR Institute of Beauty school - Houghton Houghton, Johannesburg, 2121 South Africa
DMR Institute of Beauty School - Pretoria Arcadia, Pretoria, 0028 South Africa
Ekurhuleni West TVET College Germiston www.ewc.za Germiston, Gauteng, 1400 South Africa
Ekurhuleni West TVET College Kempton Kempton, 1623 South Africa
Ekurhuleni West TVET College Kempton Kempton, 1623 South Africa
Elite Academy 0664024219 http://www.eliteestheticsacademy.com/ Johannesburg, 2191 South Africa
Helderberg School of Beauty 0027 21 801 3779 http://www.helderbergsb.co.za/ PAARDEVLEI, Somerset West, 7130 South Africa
Hydro International College 0027 11 4522447 http://www.hydroint.co.za/ Gauteng, 1610 South Africa
Innovative House of Beauty 0633923191 www.ihob.co.za Fairland, Johannesburg, 2195 South Africa
Kohl Makeup Academy 27 82 963 4601 Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
La Belle Nouvelle Training Centre Pty Ltd www.labelle-nouvelle.co.za Middelburg, Mpumalanga, 1055 South Africa
Martiq 1340 PTY LTD 0027 21 945 1895 www.facetofacecape.com Boston, Belville, 7530 South Africa
Northlink College +27 21 9318238 http://www.northlink.co.za/ Cape Town, 7506 South Africa
Northlink College +27 21 9318238 http://www.northlink.co.za/ Cape Town, South Africa
Prestige International Academy of Hair and Beauty www.interacademyofbeauty.co.za Johannesburg, Gauteng, 1611 South Africa
Qualitas Career Academy +27 51 4475412 http://www.qualitasworld.co.za/ Bloemfontein, 9332 South Africa
SA College of Beauty Hair & Health +27 11 0216745 http://www.collegeofbeautyandhair.co.za/ Johannesburg, 1449 South Africa
SMT Training Centre PTY LTD 0027 31 312 9334 www.smttraining.co.za Morningside, Durban, 4001 South Africa
SMT Training Centre PTY LTD 0027 31 312 9334 www.smttraining.co.za Umhlanga Ridge, 4001 South Africa
Soma Sense Academy (Pty) Ltd +27 169322468 www.soma-sense.co.za SE3 Vanderbijlpark, 1911 South Africa
The Beauty Academy +27 312013300 http://www.thebeautyacademy.co.za Musgrave , Durban, 4001 South Africa
The Beauty Academy - Johannesburg www.thebeautyacademy.co.za Johannesburg, 2194 South Africa
The Beauty Hub Academy www.thebeautyhubacademy.co.za Johannesburg, 2092 South Africa
The Beauty Hub Academy - Pretoria Branch 0027 11 9494312 www.thebeautyhubacademy.co.za Pretoria, 0184 South Africa
The Beauty Specialist Academy - Phoenix Phoenix, Kwazulu Natal, 4068 South Africa
Total Concept Hair & Beauty Academy +27 413651472 http://www.totalconcept.co.za/ Port Elizabeth, 6011 South Africa
Tshwane North TVET College-Pretoria Campus 012 4011622 http://www.tnc.edu.za/ Pretoria, 0007 South Africa
glow me +82 1047330708 Seoul, 04521 South Korea
NATURACLASS FORMACIÓN S.L. +34 951311216 http://www.naturaclass.net/ Fuengirola/Málaga, 29640 Spain
I Am Me Technical and Vocational Training Institute Ltd. 1(868) 765-0592 Tunapuna, 330801 Trinidad and Tobago
ATA Beauty - Advanced Training Academy Ltd 07040001234 http://www.atabeauty.co.uk Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 1HH United Kingdom
Elite Cosmetix Ltd. London, W1B 3HH United Kingdom
Learning Curve Central Academies 0161 2367181 http://www.whiterosebeautycolleges.co.uk Manchester, M2 3BA United Kingdom
LHAA London Hairdressing Apprenticeship Academy 02089539344 www.lhaa.co.uk Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1AD United Kingdom
Ray Cochrane Beauty Aesthetics Academy 020 7486 6291 www.raycochrane.co.uk London, W1U 6TT United Kingdom
Skills & Learning ACE, BCP Council 01202 262300 www.skillsandlearningace.com Poole, BH15 1SY United Kingdom
The Norwich School of Beauty 01603928900 www.nshb.uk Norwich, NR7 8SQ United Kingdom
The Sheffield School of Health and Beauty 0114 275 0201 http://www.whiterosebeautycolleges.co.uk Sheffield, S1 2GY United Kingdom
The White Rose School of Health & Beauty – Huddersfield 01484 510625 http://www.whiterosebeautycolleges.co.uk Huddersfield, West Yorks, HD1 4AD United Kingdom
HP International Beauty Academy +84 965743979 www.hpbeautyacademy.com.vn/vi HO CHI MINH CITY, 700000 Vietnam
VietBeauty Academy +84 9040 40888 www.vietbeautyacademy.edu.vn Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi, Vietnam
BeautyWorx Institute +263776740670 http://www.beautyworx.co.zw/ Harare, Zimbabwe
Elite School of Beauty +263 4 497648 http://www.eliteschoolofbeautyzim.com/ Harare, Zimbabwe, 2634 Zimbabwe
Natural Beauty Academy +263 4 308614 http://www.facebook.com/Natural-Beauty-Academy-1087529821258618/ Harare, Zimbabwe
ShiptoShore Wellness Academy +263715680347 http://www.shiptoshoreinstitute.co.zw Hatfield, Harare, Zimbabwe
Takesure's Beauty Therapy School 00263 772249962 http://www.facebook.com/Takesures-Beauty-Therapy-school-609688385849504/ Ruwa, 00263 Zimbabwe
The Skin Spa International College of Beauty 00263 775406285 http://camelotint.co.za/ Harare, Zimbabwe